1 John 5:4 "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith." Wow, that's talking about you and me! We are born of God so that means that WE ARE OVERCOMERS!!! Praise God! It goes on to say that the victory that has overcome the world is our faith. That means our victory is waiting on something...OUR FAITH!
Many have said, "If God knows my needs, why doesn't He just do something about them? Matthew 6:32 & 7:11 tells us that the Father already knows all about our needs, but when we ask Him that activates our faith and releases God to move on our behalf and meet our need. Him knowing is not enough for us to receive. He needs our permission. We need to do our part and that is asking.
1 John 5:14,15 "And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that if we ASK anything, according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ASK, we know that we have the requests which we have ASKED from Him." Wow! That is good news, friends! It says when we ask (which is showing our faith, because without faith it's impossible to please God) according to His will (or we could say His Word, because His Word is His will) then we can be confident that we have it!
Faith is simply a belief. Many have no problem believing, but the key is believing that we received when we prayed. In Mark 11:23,24 God is not asking us to believe that something is manifested before it's manifested, He's asking us to just believe we received before it's manifested. God has already authorized all that we have need of in the spirit realm. In the spirit realm is our supply. There's healing in the spirit realm. There's provision in the spirit realm. When we believe we receive we are laying hold of what we need and we keep saying (thanking Him for it) until it shows up in the natural realm! Our answer always exists in two forms; the invisible form and the visible form. We need to believe we receive while it's still in the invisible form. Faith deals with the invisible. Faith never deals with what is seen. Once an answer is seen, faith for that is no longer required.
We do not always receive instantly. God knows that there is a time difference between the spirit realm and the natural realm. That's why He gave us 1 John 5:14,15! He made it so that when we ask in line with His Word, He hears us. And we can have confidence and rest because His hearing=our having! Our hearts have the ability to believe that which is invisible is ours. Our minds can't do that, but our hearts can. If you were in need of money and your earthly father was a billionaire and if you asked him for the money and he said the check was in the mail and you kept on worrying wouldn't that seem a little silly? Unbelievers and Christians without renewed minds cannot rest until they see it. They worry and fret because they don't know how to rest until they have it. God doesn't want us to live that way. He wants us to rest, knowing that He heard us and things are moving on our behalf and will soon be visible! What a loving Father He is. Use your faith by asking for what you have need of today and let God work on your behalf. He gets great pleasure in helping His children.