The Lord tells Abram to leave his family and to go forth to the land which God will show him. He told Abram that He would make him a great nation. That He would bless him so that he could be a blessing. That He would bless all those who blessed Abram and curse those who cursed him. And that ALL the families of earth would have the opportunity to be blessed through Abram. For some reason Abram did not obey completely and took his nephew Lot with them. Then Abram lied to Pharaoh and said that Sarai was his sister and not his wife, therefore bringing a curse on Pharaoh's house. In His great love this covenant is unconditional, depending solely upon God, Who obligates Himself in grace, when He declares to Abram "I will". It was not only personally, for Abram and his family, but universally, causing blessings to be upon all the families of the earth through the Messiah, Who according to the flesh, is Abraham's son and provides salvation for the entire world. Praise God, in Christ, we too can partake of each and every blessing this covenant holds!
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I am reminded that many times when God gives us things to do he will not tell us the entire plan but he gives us something to do in front of us and we must trust him with the rest. Abram had to take the first step and leave his home. What is God telling you do?
ReplyDeleteSometimes we don't know "how" God is going to fulfill His promises and many times we would be scared if we knew ahead of time how he plans on bringing everything to pass. Our part is to hold onto those promises and know trust the fact that what He said is true no matter how unreal it looks to us in the natural. That positions us in a cooperative position where He can continue the great work that He has started and is faithful to complete in us.