Friday, June 8, 2012

20. Exodus 13:17-14:31 Crossing the Red Sea

As the Israelites flee Egypt, the Lord went before them  with a pillar of cloud by day to shield them from the hot desert sun and a pillar of fire by night to light the way for their constant travel. Pharaoh hardens his heart once more and sends his entire Egyptian army after the Israelites. Seeing that the Red Sea lies ahead and Pharaoh's chariots are closing the gap quickly from behind, the Israelites murmur against God. Did He really grant them their freedom only to see them die by the hands of Pharaoh's soldiers in the wilderness?
But Moses responds with a confession of faith! Not to fear, but to stand by and watch the salvation of the Lord which He will perform for them this day. That they will NEVER AGAIN see the Egyptians and that the Lord Himself will fight for them.
As Moses stretched forth his hand and staff, by faith, the waters of the Red Sea piled upon themselves and a path of dry ground to cross over on appeared! After the stubborn Egyptians followed them into the path, once safe on the other side, God causes the waters to recede drowning the entire army. One of the most awesome miracles of all time occurred and surely one I'm going to ask the Lord to see a replay of on "movie- night" in heaven ;)
As amazing as the record of this wonder is, we need to be ever mindful that we serve that same AWESOME, MIGHTY God! He has not changed. The Bible says He is the same, yesterday, today and FOREVER, Amen! Moses said in verse 14:14, "The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." Let's not forget that advice and apply it to our circumstance today. It is sometimes difficult to 'keep silent', but there is great benefit in that. When the symptoms in our bodies or the balance in our bankbook want to make us shout forth aggravation, disappointment and frustration, we need to stop, keep silent and in faith speak only words of victory, in line with God's promises to us. And watch Him fight on our behalf!

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