Our God is a God of specific plans. He never decides things half-heartedly or is wishy-washy. He always knows precisely what needs to be accomplished and usually gives very specific plans for us to follow. He gave Joshua a specific plan to capture the city of Jericho, which was the first city captured during his invasion of Canaan.
Jericho was one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. Known as the "city of the palm trees" (Judg. 3:13) because of the trees that grow in its oasis location. It's location of 800 feet below sea level, sits lower than any other city on earth. It was a city within a deep gorge and was known for it's hot, tropical climate. Because of its unique location, it was a city fortified with massive walls to protect from invaders.
The Lord instructs Joshua and the people of Israel to march around the city, once a day, for six days. Then on the seventh day, to march around seven times, that the seven priests will blow the trumpets and all the people will shout and the walls will come down. Can you imagine what the people of Jericho were thinking while these days passed by and the people of Israel marched around their city? They had surely heard about the crossing of the Jordan river and their hearts melted with fear.
The Israelites were ALREADY victorious, but they still had to obey and carry out the Lord's specific plan. When we do things His way, it takes faith and is pleasing to Him. When He gives us something specific to do, we must do it, and we WILL see the walls of opposition begin to crumble in our lives.
Great encouragement. Thank you for the awesome blog!!