There are so many great nuggets in this passage of scripture. Take some time to really study them out. In light of the tragic events of the past few weeks around our country and even, sadly, in our own neck of the woods, it seems fitting that we should end our study on love. For it is the most powerful force in all the universe. The love of God, that is, not natural, human love. And we are able to partake of it, because the Word of God says it has been "shed abroad in our hearts"!
The beginning of this passage starts off with recalling the account of the tragedy between Cain and Abel. Verse 11,12 "From this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should LOVE one another; not as Cain, who was of the evil one and slew his brother. And for what reason did he slay him? Because his deeds were evil and his brother's were righteous." Verse 14 "He who does not love abides in death." Verse 16 "We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; as we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."
This was the excellent example we have to follow. That Jesus willingly gave up His life for ours! He saw value in His great sacrifice, because He saw value in us. We all have opinions; some for guns, some against guns, but the love of God is the only thing that can heal our land and fill the void within people's hearts. We need to see value in others.
We know that "faith works by love", therefore, if we are going to be good at "walking by faith", we will need to be equally as good at "walking in love". As the body of Christ, we are supposed to be recognized by our love walk. Chapter 4:7, 11 &12 says "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has beheld God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us and His love is perfected in us."
Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. He is the head and we are His body. If we are His body and we are physically on the earth, then His hands are our hands. He needs us to continue His work and He desires to work with and through us. But we need to make ourselves available to Him. If we truly walk in love, we won't put our own needs first. We will find value in others and in meeting their needs. We are the only Jesus that people will ever see until He returns. How are we representing Him? Are we declaring His great love without even uttering a word?
There is so much for the people of the world to be fearful of. Terror is all around them, while we have the blessing to walk in perfect peace. Verse 18, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear." We have been given the great commission which can be summed up in loving others as ourselves. If we love, we will act and react differently. If we love, we will have compassion on others. If we truly love, we will share the Gospel! It's that simple. The Gospel will speak for itself, but it first needs somebody who will share it. Then the love of God can do the rest and transform lives!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
82. Galatians 5:16-6:10 The Fruit of the Spirit
"Once we are established in the Holy Spirit, the fullness causes an overflow, an outpouring that reaches out to others. Through developing into the fullness of the indwelling, we learn to operate with the Lord Jesus Christ. He works in us HIS nature through the fruits of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience(long suffering), gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness(gentleness) and temperance(self-control)." Pat Harrison (Gal. 5:22,23).
In other words, our success in life is directly tied to 'walking in the Spirit'. If we are called to live by the Spirit, then we need to WALK by the Spirit daily! There are works of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit and they are at constant war with one another. But when we walk by the Spirit, we will not carry out the desires of the flesh (verse 16). The desires of our outer man are in direct opposition to our inner man. Our spirit man is the part of us which has been made new and alive unto God. We need to follow after our spirits.
We are a generation to whom much has been given. We have had wonderful men and women of God who have taught us how to walk by faith. We have been taught how to stand upon the promises of God for healing, prosperity and victory in our lives. And Praise God, for those are good things, but He has a job for us to do and it will only be accomplished by walking in the Spirit daily and obeying all that His Spirit tells our spirits to do. Remember we learned that the Word and the inward witness of the Holy Spirit are the main ways that the Lord communicates with us. We need to learn how to FLOW with the Spirit in order to get done all that God has in His plan.
Kenneth Hagin prophesied, "But as you walk with the Lord, as you prepare your heart, as you feed upon His Word, as you listen to what the Spirit of God says, your heart shall be prepared and your mind will be changed until you will FLOW in the supernatural as naturally as a bird will fly in the air. And you will FLOW in the supernatural as naturally as a fish will swim in the water. And you'll FLOW in the supernatural as naturally as you will breathe the very air."
We want to get to the point where we will not even be conscious of using our faith because it will just be so natural and normal to walk in the Spirit. As we have learned to walk by faith, we now must be FAITHFUL. God is looking for those who are FAITHFUL in these last days to get the job done. Walking in the fruit of the Spirit is a blessing to us, but it is not there so we can live a comfy, cozy life all to ourselves. We have been equipped to reach out to others and change lives! We have the very power of God working in and through us so that we can OVERFLOW unto those around us! There is a definite FLOW to following the Spirit of God. In order to hear His voice and leading we must spend time with Him, praying in other tongues and practicing the presence. Like 'rivers of living waters' flowing from our bellies, the Lord desires to teach us how to flow with Him. The water's good, JUMP ON IN!
In other words, our success in life is directly tied to 'walking in the Spirit'. If we are called to live by the Spirit, then we need to WALK by the Spirit daily! There are works of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit and they are at constant war with one another. But when we walk by the Spirit, we will not carry out the desires of the flesh (verse 16). The desires of our outer man are in direct opposition to our inner man. Our spirit man is the part of us which has been made new and alive unto God. We need to follow after our spirits.
We are a generation to whom much has been given. We have had wonderful men and women of God who have taught us how to walk by faith. We have been taught how to stand upon the promises of God for healing, prosperity and victory in our lives. And Praise God, for those are good things, but He has a job for us to do and it will only be accomplished by walking in the Spirit daily and obeying all that His Spirit tells our spirits to do. Remember we learned that the Word and the inward witness of the Holy Spirit are the main ways that the Lord communicates with us. We need to learn how to FLOW with the Spirit in order to get done all that God has in His plan.
Kenneth Hagin prophesied, "But as you walk with the Lord, as you prepare your heart, as you feed upon His Word, as you listen to what the Spirit of God says, your heart shall be prepared and your mind will be changed until you will FLOW in the supernatural as naturally as a bird will fly in the air. And you will FLOW in the supernatural as naturally as a fish will swim in the water. And you'll FLOW in the supernatural as naturally as you will breathe the very air."
We want to get to the point where we will not even be conscious of using our faith because it will just be so natural and normal to walk in the Spirit. As we have learned to walk by faith, we now must be FAITHFUL. God is looking for those who are FAITHFUL in these last days to get the job done. Walking in the fruit of the Spirit is a blessing to us, but it is not there so we can live a comfy, cozy life all to ourselves. We have been equipped to reach out to others and change lives! We have the very power of God working in and through us so that we can OVERFLOW unto those around us! There is a definite FLOW to following the Spirit of God. In order to hear His voice and leading we must spend time with Him, praying in other tongues and practicing the presence. Like 'rivers of living waters' flowing from our bellies, the Lord desires to teach us how to flow with Him. The water's good, JUMP ON IN!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
81. Romans 8:1-39 Life Through The Spirit
Our success in our Christian walk is largely related to the time we spend with, and the development of our relationship with, the Holy Spirit within us. When we become born again, the Spirit Himself comes to dwell within us. Previously, we mentioned where Jesus tells the disciples that it is to their advantage that He leaves the earth and takes His place at the right hand of God the Father. In this way, He is ever present before the Father, not ceasing to make intercession for us. And then He could send the person of the Holy Spirit to make His abode in each of us.
We talked about the amazing benefit to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit as in Acts chapter 2. Then we can have the leading, guidance and building of our spirit man because of the Holy Spirit within us. Romans 8 begins to teach that we need to develop our spirit man and renew our minds because the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death! Praise God!
We know that we are a spirit being. That is our true self. We have a soul, which consists of our mind, will and emotions and we live in a body. Because our spirits have been made new and alive unto God, we are no longer to constantly consider our flesh. Verse 5 says that "those who are according to the flesh set their minds on things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. We are now called to think and live in a higher state. One where the Holy Spirit Himself desires to govern us and bless others through us, we being abundantly blessed in the process.
The gift of speaking in other tongues when we are filled with the Spirit is another blessing in our lives. When we pray in other tongues we are praying perfect prayers! Verse 25 "The Holy Spirit helps our weakness: for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He Who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." Praise God! How many of us could use a prayer partner Who knows exactly what's coming up around the bend and can pray out all the bumps in the road before us!!! That's Who we have living on the inside of us!
Oh, that we would get a daily revelation of the life-giving POWER which resides within us! It would constantly give our attitudes and theology an adjustment! Verse 11 says "But if the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in YOU, He Who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life (quicken) to your mortal bodies through His Spirit Who indwells you!" Wow! That is another AMAZING benefit of having the Spirit dwell in us! Think on that for a bit. The all-powerful, Holy Spirit, Who raised Jesus from the grave, Who healed Him of every disease known to mankind which was placed upon Jesus for our healing when He was crucified, lives in YOU and ME!!! The more we gain understanding of that truth, sickness can no longer attach itself to our bodies. How can it dwell there when the Giver of Life itself makes His home there? If we remind ourselves and draw upon that power, it is there to drive out every symptom that would try to come against you!
Spend time everyday praying in the Spirit and communing with Him in this special way! It is one of God's greatest gifts to you and me.
We talked about the amazing benefit to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit as in Acts chapter 2. Then we can have the leading, guidance and building of our spirit man because of the Holy Spirit within us. Romans 8 begins to teach that we need to develop our spirit man and renew our minds because the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death! Praise God!
We know that we are a spirit being. That is our true self. We have a soul, which consists of our mind, will and emotions and we live in a body. Because our spirits have been made new and alive unto God, we are no longer to constantly consider our flesh. Verse 5 says that "those who are according to the flesh set their minds on things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. We are now called to think and live in a higher state. One where the Holy Spirit Himself desires to govern us and bless others through us, we being abundantly blessed in the process.
The gift of speaking in other tongues when we are filled with the Spirit is another blessing in our lives. When we pray in other tongues we are praying perfect prayers! Verse 25 "The Holy Spirit helps our weakness: for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He Who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." Praise God! How many of us could use a prayer partner Who knows exactly what's coming up around the bend and can pray out all the bumps in the road before us!!! That's Who we have living on the inside of us!
Oh, that we would get a daily revelation of the life-giving POWER which resides within us! It would constantly give our attitudes and theology an adjustment! Verse 11 says "But if the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in YOU, He Who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life (quicken) to your mortal bodies through His Spirit Who indwells you!" Wow! That is another AMAZING benefit of having the Spirit dwell in us! Think on that for a bit. The all-powerful, Holy Spirit, Who raised Jesus from the grave, Who healed Him of every disease known to mankind which was placed upon Jesus for our healing when He was crucified, lives in YOU and ME!!! The more we gain understanding of that truth, sickness can no longer attach itself to our bodies. How can it dwell there when the Giver of Life itself makes His home there? If we remind ourselves and draw upon that power, it is there to drive out every symptom that would try to come against you!
Spend time everyday praying in the Spirit and communing with Him in this special way! It is one of God's greatest gifts to you and me.
Monday, December 17, 2012
71. Acts 2:1-47 Pentecost
Oh, the glorious day of Pentecost came! The disciples waited in the upper room, praying, just like Jesus instructed them to and God showed up! The Holy Spirit was made manifest when there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
There appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each of them. And all were filled with the Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance!
Jesus had told them to wait for the POWER that they would receive when the Holy Spirit came upon them. Power to be witnesses both in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria and even to the remotest part of the earth. That's what the gift of the infilling of the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues is for.
What an incredible gift we have been given to have the ability to pray in other tongues. God's blessings are always multi-purpose. Not only is the Spirit praying perfect prayers through us, directly to God, but it helps to build us up in faith (Jude 20).
Someone once told me, without the gift of praying in tongues you are like a soldier going into battle without any weapons. It is such a blessing knowing that when we pray in other tongues, the Holy Spirit Himself is praying through us! He is perfect in knowledge, inexhaustible in wisdom, and prays PERFECT prayers! Wow! That's amazing! Sometimes we don't always know how to pray. We pray in English as best as we know how. We might not know all the relevant scriptures to stand on at that moment. But God knows and the Holy Spirit speaking through us activates the covenant we have with Him.
God is so AWESOME and knows us so well, He even made it so our minds don't have to get overwhelmed with praying. We can pray in other tongues while doing other tasks and therefore spend time communicating with God all day long. And the time spent with Him will refresh and renew us, too!
If you haven't yet had this blessed experience, I encourage you today to ask the Lord to fill you up with His Spirit, just like He did to the disciples in the book of Acts. Believe that He will, take a step by faith, and begin to open your mouth and utter whatever syllables the Lord gives you. It may flow out like a river or it may be just a few words. But take those few words and thank the Lord for them and continue to practice those until more come and they will. God needs us to pray so that He can accomplish things on this earth. He cannot do it without us! What a sweet partnership it is when we can pray in the Spirit. You will be more blessed than you could ever imagine!
There appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each of them. And all were filled with the Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance!
Jesus had told them to wait for the POWER that they would receive when the Holy Spirit came upon them. Power to be witnesses both in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria and even to the remotest part of the earth. That's what the gift of the infilling of the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues is for.
What an incredible gift we have been given to have the ability to pray in other tongues. God's blessings are always multi-purpose. Not only is the Spirit praying perfect prayers through us, directly to God, but it helps to build us up in faith (Jude 20).
Someone once told me, without the gift of praying in tongues you are like a soldier going into battle without any weapons. It is such a blessing knowing that when we pray in other tongues, the Holy Spirit Himself is praying through us! He is perfect in knowledge, inexhaustible in wisdom, and prays PERFECT prayers! Wow! That's amazing! Sometimes we don't always know how to pray. We pray in English as best as we know how. We might not know all the relevant scriptures to stand on at that moment. But God knows and the Holy Spirit speaking through us activates the covenant we have with Him.
God is so AWESOME and knows us so well, He even made it so our minds don't have to get overwhelmed with praying. We can pray in other tongues while doing other tasks and therefore spend time communicating with God all day long. And the time spent with Him will refresh and renew us, too!
If you haven't yet had this blessed experience, I encourage you today to ask the Lord to fill you up with His Spirit, just like He did to the disciples in the book of Acts. Believe that He will, take a step by faith, and begin to open your mouth and utter whatever syllables the Lord gives you. It may flow out like a river or it may be just a few words. But take those few words and thank the Lord for them and continue to practice those until more come and they will. God needs us to pray so that He can accomplish things on this earth. He cannot do it without us! What a sweet partnership it is when we can pray in the Spirit. You will be more blessed than you could ever imagine!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
70. Acts 1:1-11 Jesus Taken Up To Heaven
After raising from the dead, Jesus appeared to the disciples many times over a period of forty days and speaking about the things which concerned the kingdom of God. After gathering them all together He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised them. "Which," He said, "you heard from Me; for John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
Even though the disciples were committed to Christ and had been born again, Jesus said they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. That the Holy Spirit would empower them to be witnesses.
One of the most common excuses for not becoming a Christian is the fear of failure to live the Christian life. Besides over-looking the fact that men cannot be saved on the basis of good works, (Titus 3:5) this objection neglects the truth that God provides the power to live the Christian life. Before Christ was crucified He promised the coming of the Holy Spirit to help believers (John 16:13,14).
The Christian who struggles in his own strength to live the Christian life will fail. He must, by faith, appropriate daily the power of the Holy Spirit. This means that he must trust the Holy Spirit to empower him in any circumstance he faces in his day to day life. Aside from salvation and all the freedom that it gives the believer in every aspect of life, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift we could receive. Jesus said it was better for Him to go, because only then could He send us the precious gift of His Spirit to dwell in us. We have now become carriers or vessels of His presence! Wow! Think on that a bit until that fact gets so big in you and gives you everything you need to overcome!
Even though the disciples were committed to Christ and had been born again, Jesus said they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. That the Holy Spirit would empower them to be witnesses.
One of the most common excuses for not becoming a Christian is the fear of failure to live the Christian life. Besides over-looking the fact that men cannot be saved on the basis of good works, (Titus 3:5) this objection neglects the truth that God provides the power to live the Christian life. Before Christ was crucified He promised the coming of the Holy Spirit to help believers (John 16:13,14).
The Christian who struggles in his own strength to live the Christian life will fail. He must, by faith, appropriate daily the power of the Holy Spirit. This means that he must trust the Holy Spirit to empower him in any circumstance he faces in his day to day life. Aside from salvation and all the freedom that it gives the believer in every aspect of life, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift we could receive. Jesus said it was better for Him to go, because only then could He send us the precious gift of His Spirit to dwell in us. We have now become carriers or vessels of His presence! Wow! Think on that a bit until that fact gets so big in you and gives you everything you need to overcome!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
69. John 20:1-21:25 Resurrection
"Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, while it was still dark and saw the stone taken away from the tomb. And so she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them, 'They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb and we do not know where they have laid Him."
They did not understand that Christ had risen just as He said He would. The men left to go to their homes, but Mary stayed and had an encounter with the angels. They asked her a very good question. "Why do you seek the living One among the dead?" (Luke 24:5)
How would we answer the very same question? Why do we seek things which are dead, useless, lifeless? Why do we chose to spend time feeding ourselves things which will not nourish or bring life to us? Mary was seeking Jesus. She just didn't realize how alive He was!
One thing I love about this passage is that although she was in darkness, being very early in the morning, and didn't at first recognize Jesus, she responded when she heard His voice. She had spent so much time with Him that she definitely recognized His voice. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father, so that He could send the Holy Spirit to live in each one of us. We each have His voice on the inside, ready to lead and guide us every day. May we spend so much time in communion with Him that we know, undeniably, His voice! Our success in life is never what we know, but WHO we know. It's all about relationship. The more we talk with Him, the more we will know His voice and understand His nature. It all comes down to our daily seeking and following His voice in our lives. Nothing else will satisfy than knowing you have heard from your Father and have the direction you were needing or just reassurance that He's taking care of everything. He so desires to communicate with us, if only we'll just settle down and listen.
They did not understand that Christ had risen just as He said He would. The men left to go to their homes, but Mary stayed and had an encounter with the angels. They asked her a very good question. "Why do you seek the living One among the dead?" (Luke 24:5)
How would we answer the very same question? Why do we seek things which are dead, useless, lifeless? Why do we chose to spend time feeding ourselves things which will not nourish or bring life to us? Mary was seeking Jesus. She just didn't realize how alive He was!
One thing I love about this passage is that although she was in darkness, being very early in the morning, and didn't at first recognize Jesus, she responded when she heard His voice. She had spent so much time with Him that she definitely recognized His voice. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father, so that He could send the Holy Spirit to live in each one of us. We each have His voice on the inside, ready to lead and guide us every day. May we spend so much time in communion with Him that we know, undeniably, His voice! Our success in life is never what we know, but WHO we know. It's all about relationship. The more we talk with Him, the more we will know His voice and understand His nature. It all comes down to our daily seeking and following His voice in our lives. Nothing else will satisfy than knowing you have heard from your Father and have the direction you were needing or just reassurance that He's taking care of everything. He so desires to communicate with us, if only we'll just settle down and listen.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
66. Luke 22:1-46 The Last Supper
The upper room is prepared and Jesus shares the Passover meal with His disciples. What a fitting time for Jesus to prepare to go to the cross, during the time when the Jews reflect on how awesome God was when He brought them out of their bondage in Egypt. He was about to bring ALL mankind out their bondage, FOREVERMORE, when He takes our place of punishment on the cross.
Two very important things take place when Jesus shares communion with the disciples. He teaches them that the bread represents His body. That it will be freely broken for them in order for them to receive wholeness of body. In the same manner He took the cup of wine and told them that it represents His blood which would be shed for them in order to cover every sin forever! It will be poured out as a NEW covenant!
God is always speaking covenant talk! Covenants were a very important part of life in Jesus' day and talk of them is not fully understood nowadays. Even marriage, which was once understood to be the most important covenant of our lives, is no longer entered into with the seriousness it should be. A covenant was considered a binding, formal agreement between two parties. We have signed contracts, signed by two parties, when we enter into an agreement today. But our covenant with God was signed with Jesus' own blood!
It is no longer necessary for the blood of lambs and goats to be shed on God's people's behalf.
Jesus shed His blood, once and for all, to cover all mankind's sins. We need to truly understand that Jesus was trying to teach; that there is so much power in partaking of communion. We should never take that act of receiving it lightly or out of habit. That when we do it, we are proclaiming His death, and all it meant, until He comes again. When symptoms try to hinder our bodies, where they have no right to be, the very act of breaking of bread and drinking of the juice shows remembrance of the great covenant that our Lord made with us and is faithful to uphold! It shows that we understand and walk in the authority that was provided for us. The enemy recognizes authority and has to flee!
Two very important things take place when Jesus shares communion with the disciples. He teaches them that the bread represents His body. That it will be freely broken for them in order for them to receive wholeness of body. In the same manner He took the cup of wine and told them that it represents His blood which would be shed for them in order to cover every sin forever! It will be poured out as a NEW covenant!
God is always speaking covenant talk! Covenants were a very important part of life in Jesus' day and talk of them is not fully understood nowadays. Even marriage, which was once understood to be the most important covenant of our lives, is no longer entered into with the seriousness it should be. A covenant was considered a binding, formal agreement between two parties. We have signed contracts, signed by two parties, when we enter into an agreement today. But our covenant with God was signed with Jesus' own blood!
It is no longer necessary for the blood of lambs and goats to be shed on God's people's behalf.
Jesus shed His blood, once and for all, to cover all mankind's sins. We need to truly understand that Jesus was trying to teach; that there is so much power in partaking of communion. We should never take that act of receiving it lightly or out of habit. That when we do it, we are proclaiming His death, and all it meant, until He comes again. When symptoms try to hinder our bodies, where they have no right to be, the very act of breaking of bread and drinking of the juice shows remembrance of the great covenant that our Lord made with us and is faithful to uphold! It shows that we understand and walk in the authority that was provided for us. The enemy recognizes authority and has to flee!
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