Our success in our Christian walk is largely related to the time we spend with, and the development of our relationship with, the Holy Spirit within us. When we become born again, the Spirit Himself comes to dwell within us. Previously, we mentioned where Jesus tells the disciples that it is to their advantage that He leaves the earth and takes His place at the right hand of God the Father. In this way, He is ever present before the Father, not ceasing to make intercession for us. And then He could send the person of the Holy Spirit to make His abode in each of us.
We talked about the amazing benefit to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit as in Acts chapter 2. Then we can have the leading, guidance and building of our spirit man because of the Holy Spirit within us. Romans 8 begins to teach that we need to develop our spirit man and renew our minds because the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death! Praise God!
We know that we are a spirit being. That is our true self. We have a soul, which consists of our mind, will and emotions and we live in a body. Because our spirits have been made new and alive unto God, we are no longer to constantly consider our flesh. Verse 5 says that "those who are according to the flesh set their minds on things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. We are now called to think and live in a higher state. One where the Holy Spirit Himself desires to govern us and bless others through us, we being abundantly blessed in the process.
The gift of speaking in other tongues when we are filled with the Spirit is another blessing in our lives. When we pray in other tongues we are praying perfect prayers! Verse 25 "The Holy Spirit helps our weakness: for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He Who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." Praise God! How many of us could use a prayer partner Who knows exactly what's coming up around the bend and can pray out all the bumps in the road before us!!! That's Who we have living on the inside of us!
Oh, that we would get a daily revelation of the life-giving POWER which resides within us! It would constantly give our attitudes and theology an adjustment! Verse 11 says "But if the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in YOU, He Who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life (quicken) to your mortal bodies through His Spirit Who indwells you!" Wow! That is another AMAZING benefit of having the Spirit dwell in us! Think on that for a bit. The all-powerful, Holy Spirit, Who raised Jesus from the grave, Who healed Him of every disease known to mankind which was placed upon Jesus for our healing when He was crucified, lives in YOU and ME!!! The more we gain understanding of that truth, sickness can no longer attach itself to our bodies. How can it dwell there when the Giver of Life itself makes His home there? If we remind ourselves and draw upon that power, it is there to drive out every symptom that would try to come against you!
Spend time everyday praying in the Spirit and communing with Him in this special way! It is one of God's greatest gifts to you and me.
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