Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26th ~ Romans 12

Verses 1,2 "I URGE you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your (reasonable) service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." 

That word urge is in all capitals in my Bible's text. It must be something that Paul feels very strongly about. He is urging us to listen and follow an instruction that is going to be vital to our success in this life. We are urged not to be conformed to this world. What does that mean? It means don't allow the world around you to squeeze you into its mold. We are called to be set apart. To stand out. Not to blend in. The very way we believe and react to things in life is going to be VERY different from how the rest of the world does.

We are called to not be conformed, but to be transformed. How can we be transformed? By the renewing of our minds. Renew= renovation, to replace tradition with revelation. Renovate in the natural sense means to rip out what doesn't belong and to replace it with something new and fresh. When we are renovating a house completely, we rip everything down to the studs and start to rebuild with new, higher quality materials. We build on a solid foundation and create something beautiful that will last the test of time and life. 

In other words, the only way we can be successful and have our faith work in our lives is to change the way we think. We have become new creatures and everything old has been done away with. Sometimes we try to still do things the old way we've always done them. We have a newly created heart and spirit and yet our minds are still the same. So we need to constantly look to the Word to see how our minds should be thinking about the situations we are facing. The old us, may have seen the problems of debt, sickness and broken relationships in our lives and faced them with wringing hands and worrying so much we couldn't sleep. The new creature in us is formed in the image of God Himself and therefore needs to think in line with HIS thinking! So now when faced with adverse circumstances we look to His strength and His Words which tell us who we are in Christ. That we are MORE than conquerors! That Christ lives in us and brings ALL His resources with Him. So anytime we have a problem, we can face it in the power of the crucified, risen, triumphant, Lord, Who lives within us! 

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