Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23, 2014 ~ Exodus 32 ~

What is a covenant? You don't hear much spoken about covenants today. We have contracts. We understand that contracts are binding for a specified period of time. As in a 36 month auto lease or a 30 year mortgage loan. When we sign our name on that dotted line, we are essentially giving our word that we will continue to fulfill our part of the contract by paying a certain amount monthly until the balance is paid in full. A covenant is like a contract, yet it is more than a contract. It is perpetually binding. It is permanent. The only way out is through death. That is why marriage is referred to as a covenant, not a contract. It is supposed to be permanent- "till death do us part."

In the Bible, when someone cut a covenant with someone else, they brought an animal, usually a ram or goat and they would kill it by cutting it in two. Next they would face their covenant partner and walk toward each other between the two pieces of the animal, passing each other in the center. Both people were obligated now to protect and provide for one another and their families.

In this chapter, Israel willfully broke their covenant with God when they melted down their gold to create a molten calf to idolize. It is interesting how God spoke to Moses telling him His intentions. God always needs a man to speak in order for Him to perform what He wants to in our lives. That's why it's so important to not only know the Word, but to speak it in faith because it gives Him permission to move on our behalf! 

Knowing that God was a covenant cutting and keeping God, Moses entreated God to remember the covenant He made long ago with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. He quoted God's own Words back to Him and it tells us that God changed His mind.

We are blessed today to be partners in a New Covenant with God. Not binding through the blood of bulls and goats but with the blood of the Spotless Lamb, Jesus. We are simply beneficiaries of this new covenant. We get to enjoy all the benefits without having to work to keep it! Jesus, our representative, has already fulfilled all the conditions on our behalf. Our covenant blessings are guaranteed because His obedience is perfect and His work is perfectly finished! We can simply rest in Jesus' finished work at the cross and receive all He provided by faith.

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